염색체 검사에서 t(12;22)(q13;12)를 보인 투명 세포 육종A case of clear cell sarcoma showing t(12;22)(q13;q12) in chromosomal study
- Authors
- Ahn, J.Y.; Kim, J.E.; Seo, S.J.; Kim, M.N.; Hong, C.K.; Ro, B.I.; Song, K.Y.
- Issue Date
- Sep-2005
- Publisher
- 대한피부과학회
- Keywords
- Clear cell sarcoma; t(12,22)(q13,q12)
- Citation
- Korean Journal of Dermatology, v.43, no.9, pp 1252 - 1256
- Pages
- 5
- Journal Title
- Korean Journal of Dermatology
- Volume
- 43
- Number
- 9
- Start Page
- 1252
- End Page
- 1256
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/cau/handle/2019.sw.cau/47089
- 0494-4739
- Abstract
- Clear cell sarcoma is a melanoma of soft parts and a rare dermal nodule of tissue with unknown origin. It mainly affects young adults with a predominance in women, and the predilection sites are extremities, especially foot and ankle. The cytogenic hallmark of clear cell sarcoma is the presence of the t(12;22)(q13;q12). This translocation has been described in the majority of reported clear cell sarcoma cases, however not in other malignancies. And this method has not been popular in dermatology, so we present a case of clear cell sarcoma which was identified the presence of translocation.
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