SRIS: Saliency-Based Region Detection and Image Segmentation of COVID-19 Infected Casesopen access
- Authors
- Joshi, Aditi; Khan, Mohammed Saquib; Soomro, Shafiullah; Niaz, Asim; Han, Beom Seok; Choi, Kwang Nam
- Issue Date
- Oct-2020
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Active contours; image segmentation; level-set
- Citation
- IEEE ACCESS, v.8, pp 190487 - 190503
- Pages
- 17
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 8
- Start Page
- 190487
- End Page
- 190503
- 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3032288
- 2169-3536
- Abstract
- Noise or artifacts in an image, such as shadow artifacts, deteriorate the performance of state-of-the-art models for the segmentation of an image. In this study, a novel saliency-based region detection and image segmentation (SRIS) model is proposed to overcome the problem of image segmentation in the existence of noise and intensity inhomogeneity. Herein, a novel adaptive level-set evolution protocol based on the internal and external functions is designed to eliminate the initialization sensitivity, thereby making the proposed SRIS model robust to contour initialization. In the level-set energy function, an adaptive weight function is formulated to adaptively alter the intensities of the internal and external energy functions based on image information. In addition, the sign of energy function is modulated depending on the internal and external regions to eliminate the effects of noise in an image. Finally, the performance of the proposed SRIS model is illustrated on complex real and synthetic images and compared with that of the previously reported state-of-the-art models. Moreover, statistical analysis has been performed on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) computed tomography images and THUS10000 real image datasets to confirm the superior performance of the SRIS model from the viewpoint of both segmentation accuracy and time efficiency. Results suggest that SRIS is a promising approach for early screening of COVID-19.
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