Proteomic and Metabolomic Analyses of Maggots in Porcine Corpses for Post-Mortem Interval Estimation
- Authors
- Mok, Jeong-Hun; Joo, Minjoong; Van-An Duong; Cho, Seonghyeon; Park, Jong-Moon; Eom, Young-Sic; Song, Tae-Hwa; Lim, Hee-Joung; Lee, Hookeun
- Issue Date
- Sep-2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Entomology; Forensic; LC-MS; Maggot; Metabolomics; Pig; PMI; Proteomics
- Citation
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 11
- Number
- 17
- 10.3390/app11177885
- 2076-3417
- Abstract
- Post-mortem interval (PMI) estimation is a critical task in forensic science. In this study, we used maggots collected from pig carcasses and applied an integrated proteomics and metabolomics approach to determine potential candidate substances for the estimation of PMI. After methanol precipitation, the supernatant containing metabolites and the protein pellet were separated and subjected to metabolomic and proteomic analyses using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spec-trometry (LC-MS/MS). MS/MS data were analyzed for identification and quantification using Proteome Discoverer and Compound Discoverer software. A total of 573 metabolites and more than 800 porcine proteins were identified in maggots. This is the first dataset of proteins and metabolites in maggots collected from porcine carcasses. In this study, guanosine monophosphate, xanthine, inosine, adenosine, and guanine were detected with a similar tendency to increase during early days of maggot development and then decreased gradually. We broadly profiled various biomolecules through analysis in the spot of incident. Especially, we confirmed that proteome and metabolome profiling could be performed directly and indirectly. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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