Extreme Mechanics Letters

Journal Title

  • Extreme Mechanics Letters


  • P 2352-4316 | 2352-4316


  • Elsevier Limited
  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) enables rapid communication of research that highlights the role of mechanics in multi-disciplinary areas across materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and engineering. Emphasis is on the impact, depth and originality of new concepts, methods and observations at the forefront of applied sciences. EML publishes letter-sized articles, as well as invited reviews and articles on topics of special interest. The goal is to have the papers published online within 6-8 weeks upon submission. EML covers experimental, theoretical, and computational mechanics of processes at all size and time scales. Of particular interest is the progress in mechanics that advances the fields of vital importance to the society, including, but not limited to, health science, energy systems, the environment, food and water, climate, and security. Among the topical areas of interest are: /// Materials of extreme properties, such as exceptional hardness or softness /// Materials under extreme conditions, such as high temperature and high loading rate /// Stretchable, wearable, or implantable electronics for entertainment or healthcare /// Soft robots in manufacturing, surgery and assisted living /// Robots that crawl, run, swim or fly /// Biomimetics that perceive, act, learn and remember /// Active materials in response to mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal stimuli /// Instability and large deformation in nature and engineering systems /// Force-induced configurational changes of proteins leading to cascades in cellular responses /// Deformation, transport and fracture in high-efficiency batteries /// Interfacial phenomena in interactions between fluids and solids, deformation and failure of materials, and processes of living cells /// Self-assembly of materials and devices /// Thin-membrane origami and kirigami /// Mechanics of 3D printing /// Materials and structures of hierarchical architectures /// Hybrid systems of air, liquids, and solids /// Earthquakes and hydraulic fracture /// Foldable, lightweight structures for space exploration

Article List

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