Healthcare Informatics Research

Journal Title

  • Healthcare Informatics Research


  • E 2093-369X | P 2093-3681


  • 대한의료정보학회

Listed on(Coverage)

SJR 2011-2019
CiteScore 2013-2019
SCOPUS 2017-2020
KCI(Ranking) 2009-2019
KCI 2006-2021
KCI(Candidate) 2003-2005


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Healthcare Informatics Research(Healthc Inform Res; HIR) is the official journal of the Korean Societyof Medical Informatics (KOSMI) founded in 1987, and replaced its predecessor,the Journal of KOSMI (JKOSMI; ISSN: 1225- 8903), in 2010. The journalpublishes quarterly peer-reviewed original research articles in Englishin order to expand its readership globally and reinforce its commitmentto the development of healthcare informatics. The journal aims to promote the fundamental understanding of healthcareinformatics and advance knowledge and application systems in healthcarefields. It covers high-quality original research articles, reviews, casereports, and communications in the area of design, development, implementation,and evaluation of information systems in healthcare fields. It also includeshealth policy, education, managerial and behavioral aspects of healthcareinformatics as well as health information infrastructure such as standardization,security, biomedical engineering, and bioinformatics. All or part of the HIR is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed Central (PMC),Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Google Scholar, KoreaCitation Index (KCI), KoreaMed, Synapse, KoMCI Web, Similarity Check,and Crossref.

Article List

1 - 20 out of 28 results.

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