Journal of Membrane Biology

Journal Title

  • Journal of Membrane Biology


  • E 1432-1424 | P 0022-2631 | 1432-1424 | 0022-2631


  • Springer Verlag
  • Springer Nature

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of Membrane Biology is dedicated to publishing high-quality science related to membrane biology, biochemistry and biophysics. In particular, we welcome work that uses modern experimental or computational methods including but not limited to those with microscopy, diffraction, NMR, computer simulations, or biochemistry aimed at membrane associated or membrane embedded proteins or model membrane systems. These methods might be applied to study topics like membrane protein structure and function, membrane mediated or controlled signaling mechanisms, cell-cell communication via gap junctions, the behavior of proteins and lipids based on monolayer or bilayer systems, or genetic and regulatory mechanisms controlling membrane function. Research articles, short communications and reviews are all welcome. We also encourage authors to consider publishing 'negative' results where experiments or simulations were well performed, but resulted in unusual or unexpected outcomes without obvious explanations. While we welcome connections to clinical studies, submissions that are primarily clinical in nature or that fail to make connections to the basic science issues of membrane structure, chemistry and function, are not appropriate for the journal. In a similar way, studies that are primarily descriptive and narratives of assays in a clinical or population study are best published in other journals. If you are not certain, it is entirely appropriate to write to us to inquire if your study is a good fit for the journal. Submissions should be well-written, with a logical flow and should provide a rationale for the measurements and a context for their interpretation. We provide a fast and fair review process and upon acceptance of your paper, excellent manuscript production and high visibility for your work. Journal of Membrane Biology publishes six issues a year.

Article List

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