Smart Health

Journal Title

  • Smart Health


  • 2352-6483


  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10

Aime & Scopes

  • This journal focuses on research topics pertaining to devices, sensing, computing and communication technologies, software/hardware modeling and system architectures towards Personalized, Pervasive, Participatory, Predictive, Preventive, Programmable and Perpetual (P7) Healthcare. This will be an interdisciplinary journal which would publish high-quality papers from researchers of various disciplines including medicine, computer science and engineering and bio and electrical engineering. Papers covering all aspects of P7 Healthcare including innovative technology, clinical studies of efficacy of existing technology, and analytical studies are in this journal. P7 Healthcare Models: /// E-healthcare /// M-healthcare /// Telehealth, Telemedicine /// Cybermedicine /// Mobile/Wireless/Pervasive/Proactive/Personalized Healthcare P7 Platforms and Technologies: /// Home Health Platforms /// Cell-phone based monitoring systems /// Remote/ Non-invasive Biomonitoring /// Wireless Medicine /// Wearable health system /// Body area networks (BANs)/Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) /// Nano medicine /// Smart medical Devices P7 Methods /// Non-invasive physiological monitoring /// Reliable Biosensing /// HCI , Intuitive Interfaces for Children and the Elderly /// Privacy/Security/Access Control Protocols /// Wireless communication P7 IT/Software-Hardware: /// Formal Methods for ensuring safety, security of medical devices /// Interoperable Security /// Model Based Engineering /// Metrics, Performance Analysis methods and tools /// Powering, Energy Management/Scavenging, Sustainability /// Modeling techniques: cyber-physical, hybrid models /// System Software, Middelware, OS, Networking /// Medical device control system design, verification of control algorithms P7 Patient Care Outcomes: /// Health Data Privacy /// Improving Access and Quality /// Cost-effectiveness /// Reducing Medical Errors P7 Applications: /// Assisted Living /// Disaster Preparedness /// Entertainment, Games for Improving Health /// Diabetes Care /// Obesity Management /// Drug Use Prevention /// Sports and Leisure

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