Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression

Journal Title

  • Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression


  • E 2162-6502 | P 1045-4403 | 1045-4403 | 2162-6502


  • Begell House
  • Taylor & Francis

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Critical ReviewsTM in Eukaryotic Gene Expression presents timely concepts and experimental approaches that are contributing to rapid advances in our mechanistic understanding of gene regulation, organization, and structure within the contexts of biological control and the diagnosis/treatment of disease. The journal provides in-depth critical reviews, on well-defined topics of immediate interest, written by recognized specialists in the field. Extensive literature citations provide a comprehensive information resource. Reviews are developed from an historical perspective and suggest directions that can be anticipated. Strengths as well as limitations of methodologies and experimental strategies are considered. The contributions of molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic, genomic, and proteomic approaches to eukaryotic gene expression are incorporated into reviews. The relationship between gene structure and function is stressed, with emphasis on coordinate control of biological processes. Regulatory mechanisms are explored from the perspective of sequences and regulatory molecules that influence structure and expression of eukaryotic genes as well as in relation to cellular architecture and its relationship to development of cell specialization and tissue organization. Processes that include genetic and epigenetic control, cell cycle regulation, differentiation, transformation and tumorigenesis, senescence, cell survival and apoptosis, development, reproduction, cell fate, lineage commitment, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine are covered. All articles are by invitation; however, the editors welcome suggestions of both topics and authors.

Article List

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