Detailed Information

Kim, Mi Hyun (김미현)

Pharmacy (Dept.of Pharmacy)

Research Area
신약개발을 위한 시뮬레이션 및 수치 모델링 (분자 피쳐화, 머신러닝), 인공지능 기반 화학 지향의 희소 골격 약물 개발, 분자 피쳐에 기반한 유기 촉매 및 비대칭 합성 최적화 연구, Simulations & modeling for drug discovery & development (QSAR, pharmacophore model, molecular docking simulations, molecular dynamic simulations, molecular featurization for ML), Chemistry-oriented synthesis of unprivileged drug scaffolds and predicting their pharmacological profile using machine learning algorithm, Organocatalysis & asymmetric synthesis based on molecular descriptors
ResearcherID ORCiD Scopus Google Scholar ID ResearchGate
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