ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology

Journal Title

  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology


  • E 1557-7392 | P 1049-331X


  • Association for Computing Machinary, Inc.

Listed on(Coverage)

JCR 2001-2019
SJR 1999-2019
CiteScore 2011-2019
SCI 2010-2019
SCIE 2010-2021
CC 2016-2021
SCOPUS 2017-2020


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The scope of TOSEM includes models, languages, methods, mechanisms, and tools for the elaboration, evaluation, and evolution of products and processes all along the software lifecycle, from requirements specification to software maintenance. Formal and experimental approaches are both in the scope of TOSEM. Examples of topics include: /// Requirements engineering: acquisition, modelling, specification, analysis, and prototyping; /// Design engineering: software architectures, specification, refinement, design methods, strategies, and styles; documentation of design rationales; /// Software testing, analysis and verification: algorithms, techniques and processes for assuring or assessing software with respect to functional or non-functional requirements; /// Configuration management: version control and system evolution; /// Software understanding and reengineering; /// Reuse: techniques for reusing components such as specifications, designs, or code, and for making such products reusable; /// Software process engineering: modeling, analysis, customization, enactment, evolution; /// Software engineering environments: organization, tool integration and interoperability; object management, language-directed tools, knowledge-based tools, dedicated tools; software visualization; /// Measurement, metrics, estimation methods, and empirical studies; /// Human-Software interaction; /// Collaborative software engineering; /// Special software engineering techniques for: distributed systems, real-time systems, safety-critical systems, secure systems, multimedia systems, and mobile computing; /// Adaptation of techniques from programming languages, artificial intelligence, or databases; /// Domain-specific software engineering techniques.

Article List

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