Journal of Laser Applications

Journal Title

  • Journal of Laser Applications


  • E 1938-1387 | P 1042-346X | 1042-346X | 1938-1387


  • Laser Institute of America

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of Laser Applications (JLA) is the scientific platform of the Laser Institute of America (LIA) and is published in cooperation with AIP Publishing. The high-quality articles cover a broad range from fundamental and applied research and development to industrial applications. Therefore, JLA is a reflection of the state-of-R&D in photonic production, sensing and measurement as well as Laser safety. Due to the current grand societal challenges such as resource saving, energy, mobility, health and defense the foci and trends of applied photonics have been changing over the past years, significantly. Hence, the structure of JLA has been improved to meet these trends, yet maintaining the structure according to scientific areas of competence. The following international and well known first-class scientists serve as allocated Editors in 9 new categories: /// High Precision Materials Processing with Ultrafast Lasers – Andreas Ostendorf /// Laser Additive Manufacturing – Milan Brandt /// High Power Materials Processing with High Brightness Lasers – Christoph Leyens /// Emerging Applications of Laser Technologies in High-performance/Multi-function Materials and Structures – Dongdong Gu /// Surface Modification – Minlin Zhong /// Lasers in Nanomanufacturing / Nanophotonics & Thin Film Technology – Lan Jiang /// Spectroscopy / Imaging / Diagnostics / Measurements – Dave Farson /// Laser Systems and Markets – Klaus Löffler /// Medical Applications & Safety – Dave Sliney

Article List

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