Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society

Journal Title

  • Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society


  • E 1446-8107 | P 1446-7887 | 1446-7887 | 1446-8107


  • Australian Mathematical Society

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Submission of research papers in pure mathematics and mathematical statistics is invited under the condition that the paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication anywhere else. Generally the Journal seeks to publish articles of more general interest and of moderate length. Articles are sometimes rejected because they are too long or too technical. Of course mathematics is a technical discipline, but the Journal prefers papers with good introductions explaining the meaning and value of the results. The Journal hopes to publish articles that attract wide interest in an area and are frequently cited. The Journal currently has considerable pressure on space and can accept only papers very highly rated by assessors. The editors often seek rapid expert advice as to whether a paper will be competitive. Papers that seem unlikely to be competitive may be rejected without being fully refereed. This quicker response is in the best interest of authors in the circumstances. The scope of the journal includes finite geometries, designs, cryptology, number theory, algebra and representation theory, semigroups, complex analysis, geometry and topology, universal algebra, semigroups, general analysis, operator theory and matrix analysis, automorphic forms, group theory, computational algebra, functional analysis, probability and statistics, operator and Banach algebras.

Article List

1 - 1 out of 1 results.