The Mental Lexicon

Journal Title

  • The Mental Lexicon


  • P 1871-1340 | 1871-1340


  • John Benjamins Publishing Company

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The Mental Lexicon is an interdisciplinary journal that provides an international forum for research that bears on the issues of the representation and processing of words in the mind and brain. We encourage both the submission of original research and reviews of significant new developments in the understanding of the mental lexicon. The journal publishes work that includes, but is not limited to the following: /// Models of the representation of words in the mind /// Computational models of lexical access and production /// Experimental investigations of lexical processing /// Neurolinguistic studies of lexical impairment. /// Functional neuroimaging and lexical representation in the brain /// Lexical development across the lifespan /// Lexical processing in second language acquisition /// The bilingual mental lexicon /// Lexical and morphological structure across languages /// Formal models of lexical structure /// Corpus research on the lexicon /// New experimental paradigms and statistical techniques for mental lexicon research “In an era when the highly specialized journal may fail to draw a large enough audience and the overly generalized journal may fail to find a coherent voice, the Journal of the Mental Lexicon seems to have found that ideal niche: a clear scholarly conception, an openness to multidisciplinary approaches and a broad appeal to the researcher, the clinician, the theoretician and the historian. John Benjamins Publishing is to be congratulated both on the foresight to support this worthwhile project and the acumen to have selected two outstanding scholars to edit what promises to be a bellwether among competing journals.”

Article List

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