Environmental Management

Journal Title

  • Environmental Management


  • E 1432-1009 | P 0364-152X | 1432-1009 | 0364-152X


  • Springer Verlag
  • Springer Nature

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Environmental Management publishes research and opinions on use and conservation of natural resources, protection of habitats and control of hazards, spanning the field of environmental management without regard to traditional disciplinary boundaries. Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, chemistry, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, fisheries, environmental law, forest sciences, geosciences, information science, public affairs, public health, toxicology, zoology, and a variety of other disciplines, often in combinations determined by interdisciplinary study. Contributions are drawn from biology, botany, climatology, ecology, ecological economics, environmental engineering, fisheries, environmental law, management science, forest sciences, geography, geology, information science, law politics, public affairs, zoology. Hence, the journal serves to improve cross-disciplinary communication, and to make ideas and results from any one field available to environmental practitioners from other backgrounds. Submissions need to discuss implications for an international audience before it can be reviewed for Environmental Management. In addition manuscript needs to examine a scientific or management hypothesis in order to be likely to receive a favorable review for the journal. Descriptions of environmental conditions are not appropriate for the journal. As the principal user of the realm of nature, humanity has a major responsibility to ensure that its impacts on the environment are benign rather than catastrophic. Environmental Management facilitates this by disseminating the work of both academic researchers and professionals from outside the universities and colleges, including those in business, government, research establishments, and public interest groups. The aim is to present a wide spectrum of viewpoints and approaches, and to this end the journal consists of four main sections. Forum contains addresses, comments, and opinions about environmental matters. Articles in the Profile section describe and evaluate particular case-histories, events, policies, problems, or organizations and their work. Papers in the Research section present empirical, technical, or other scientific studies and their findings. The section on Environmental Auditing is for articles that cover methods of appraisal and accounting with respect to environmental resources or problems. Generally, the empirical research and auditing lead to a better understanding of environmental problems and usually of their solutions, the debate published in the journal's Forum helps construct better environmental research or policies, and Profile articles may contribute to either aim, or both. Innovative research is encouraged in the sense of both identifying new problems and formulating novel solutions to well known ones. Articles are solicited from all over the world, as the international dimension is considered especially important. Hence it is vital to recognize that many environmental problems are common to a wide variety of nations, while some are either global matters or at least oblivious of national boundaries. It is also vital that approaches, methods, and experience be shared among environmental practitioners in many countries, so that the problems of our ever more interdependent planet may be tackled in a concerted manner. Environmental Management treats mankind as steward of the natural environment: not all resources are to be preserved, but our responsibility to future generations, and to other living species, can only be fulfilled by conserving some resources and using others wisely and sparingly. The complexity of this task demands enlightened research, debate, and policy formulation. Environmental Management seeks articles from professionals at any stage of their careers, from neophytes to recognized authorities. The rate of manuscript rejection is minimized by seeking constructive criticism from referees, so that authors are encouraged to refine and develop their ideas. In the event that important differences of opinion cannot be resolved between authors and referees of readership, the Forum section may be used to present a Comment on an article that has recently been published in the journal, which may be followed by the author's Reply. Authors intending to submit papers are urged to prepare their manuscripts in close conformance with the Instructions published in the journal. Further information may be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board members.

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