Journal of Public Affairs

Journal Title

  • Journal of Public Affairs


  • P 1472-3891 | 1472-3891


  • Henry Stewart Publications

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of Public Affairs is essential reading for those who need to keep abreast of the latest thinking around the continually-evolving discipline of public affairs. First published over a decade ago, JPA has built one of the largest international collections of expert knowledge on a wide range of relevant themes including: government relations and lobbying, issues management, community relations, corporate social responsibility and political strategy and marketing. This extensive body of knowledge which is open to all subscribers represents a highly valuable resource for public affairs professionals in private and public sector organizations and academic observers in universities and business schools. The journal aims to provide the following: /// Industry case studies focusing on the contemporary challenges and problems faced by major private and public sector organizations, and the lessons learned. /// Applied research from leading business schools, research institutes and universities, with significant implications for public affairs practice. /// Critical insights into the latest thinking and best practice in public affairs. /// State-of-the-art papers written by expert practitioners and academics stimulating ideas on the challenges facing the public affairs professional today. /// Practitioner articles addressing the latest thinking, and techniques in public affairs.

Article List

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