A Novel Interaction between MFN2/Marf and MARK4/PAR-1 is Implicated in Synaptic Defects and Mitochondrial Dysfunction.open access
- Authors
- Cheon, Yeongmi; Yoon, Sunggyu; Lee, Jae-Hyuk; Kim, Kiyoung; Kim, Hyung-Jun; Hong, Sung Wook; Yun, Ye-Rang; Shim, Jiwon; Kim, Sung-Hak; Lu, Bingwei; Lee, Mihye; Lee, Seongsoo
- Issue Date
- Aug-2023
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Drosophila melanogaster; MARK4/PAR-1; MFN2/Marf; Mitochondrial dynamics; Neurodegenerative disease
- Citation
- eNeuro, v.10, no.8
- Journal Title
- eNeuro
- Volume
- 10
- Number
- 8
- http://scholarworks.bwise.kr/kbri/handle/2023.sw.kbri/110
- 10.1523/ENEURO.0409-22.2023
- 2373-2822
- Abstract
- As cellular energy powerhouses, mitochondria undergo constant fission and fusion to maintain functional homeostasis. The conserved dynamin-like GTPase, MFN2/Marf, plays a role in mitochondrial fusion, mutations of which are implicated in age-related human diseases, including several neurodegenerative disorders. However, the regulation of MFN2/Marf-mediated mitochondrial fusion, as well as the pathologic mechanism of neurodegeneration, are not clearly understood. Here, we identified a novel interaction between MFN2/Marf and MARK4/PAR-1. In the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction, muscle-specific overexpression of MFN2/Marf decreased the number of synaptic boutons, and the loss of MARK4/PAR-1 alleviated the synaptic defects of MFN2/Marf overexpression. Downregulation of MARK4/PAR-1 rescued the mitochondrial hyperfusion phenotype caused by MFN2/Marf overexpression in the Drosophila muscles as well as in the cultured cells. In addition, knockdown of MARK4/PAR-1 rescued the respiratory dysfunction of mitochondria induced by MFN2/Marf overexpression in mammalian cells. Taken together, our results indicate that the interaction between MFN2/Marf and MARK4/PAR-1 is fine-tuned to maintain synaptic integrity and mitochondrial homeostasis, and its dysregulation may be implicated in neurologic pathogenesis.Significance StatementWe identified a novel interaction between MFN2/Marf and a kinase MARK4/PAR-1 in Drosophila and mammalian cells. The MFN2/Marf and MARK4/PAR-1 interaction was critical for maintaining the synaptic structure of neuromuscular junctions in Drosophila In addition, we found that concomitant knockdown of MARK4/PAR-1 could rescue the mitochondrial hyperfusion and aberrant respiratory function caused by MFN2/Marf overexpression. Our study provides new insights into the link between mitochondrial defects and neurodegeneration, which makes a significant contribution to the understanding of neurologic pathogenesis and therapeutic development. Copyright © 2023 Cheon et al.
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