A Zwitterionic Detergent and Catalyst-Based Single-Cell Proteomics Using a Loss-Free Microhole-Collection Disc
- Authors
- Yeo, Seungeun; Jang, Jaemyung; Jung, Hyun Jin; Lee, Hyeyoung; Lee, Sangkyu; Choe, Youngshik
- Issue Date
- Jul-2024
- Publisher
- American Chemical Society
- Citation
- Analytical Chemistry, v.96, no.29, pp 11690 - 11698
- Pages
- 9
- Journal Title
- Analytical Chemistry
- Volume
- 96
- Number
- 29
- Start Page
- 11690
- End Page
- 11698
- http://scholarworks.bwise.kr/kbri/handle/2023.sw.kbri/1192
- 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c00158
- 0003-2700
- Abstract
- Recent advances in single-cell proteomics have solved many bottlenecks, such as throughput, sample recovery, and scalability via nanoscale sample handling. In this study, we aimed for a sensitive mass spectrometry (MS) analysis capable of handling single cells with a conventional mass spectrometry workflow without additional equipment. We achieved seamless cell lysis and TMT labeling in a micro-HOLe Disc (microHOLD) by developing a mass-compatible single solution based on a zwitterionic detergent and a catalyst for single-cell lysis and tandem mass tag labeling without a heat incubation step. This method was developed to avoid peptide loss by surface adsorption and buffer or tube changes by collecting tandem mass tag-labeled peptide through microholes placed in the liquid chromatography injection vials in a single solution. We successfully applied the microHOLD single-cell proteomics method for the analysis of proteome reprogramming in hormone-sensitive prostate cells to develop castration-resistant prostate cancer cells. This novel single-cell proteomics method is not limited by cutting-edge nanovolume handling equipment and achieves high throughput and ultrasensitive proteomics analysis of limited samples, such as single cells.
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