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국제지적재산소송원칙의 개요와 활용방안에 대한 연구

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dc.description.abstract한국국제사법학회가 2010년 3월 26일 승인한 우리나라의‘국제지적재산소송원칙’은 헤이그 국제사법회의에서 1999년“국제재판관할과 외국재판의 승인및 집행에 관한 조약안(이하‘헤이그예비초안’이라 한다)”, 2007년 5월 14일제정된 미국법률협회(The American Law Institute)의“지적재산: 섭외적 분쟁에서 재판관할, 준거법 및 재판을 규율하는 원칙[Intellectual Property:Principles Governing Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, and Judgmentsin Transnational Disputes(이하‘ALI원칙’이라고 한다)]”, 2011년 12월 1일 제정된“유럽 막스 프랑크 그룹(The European Max Plank Group, 이하‘EMPG’라고 한다)”의“지적재산에 관한 저촉법원칙[Principles for Conflictof Laws in Intellectual Property(이하‘CLIP원칙’이라고 한다)]”등을 참고로 하여 탄생한 원칙이다. 국제지적재산소송원칙은 국제적 지적재산분쟁의 국제재판관할, 준거법, 외국재판의 승인 및 집행뿐만 아니라 중재에 관한 원칙을 정함을 그 목적으로 한다. 국제지적재산소송원칙은 지적재산에 관한 민·상사분쟁(지적재산권의 성립·유효성 분쟁을 포함한다)에 적용한다. 본고는 이 국제지적재산소송원칙의 주요내용(국제재판관할, 준거법, 외국재판의 승인 및 집행, 중재 등)을 고찰한 다음, 이 원칙의 활용방안을 집중적으로 살펴본다. 본고는 그 활용방안으로서 (i) 지적재산권 거래 관련 계약실무에의 활용방안, (ii) 양자간 협정에서의 활용방안, (iii) 아시아 모델로서의 활용방안, (iv) 입법자료로서의 활용방안, (v) 판례 형성의 기초자료로서의 활용방안 및 (vi) 국제적규범 모델로서의 활용방안 등을 제시하고 있다.-
dc.description.abstractHague Conference on Private International Law drafted a Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters in 1999. This Draft failed to attract wide support from the Member countries. Especially, the Draft did not succeed in harmonizing the interests of the Member countries in terms of intellectual property rights. As soon as this Hague project appeared to be unsuccessful, the legal scholars in America, Europe, and Asia (i.e., Korea and Japan) had engaged in new projects in order to propose principles applicable to transnational intellectual property disputes in an enforceable way. Globalization and complexity of international IP disputes and the development of the Internet have naturally resulted in the birth of these projects. These projects has yielded the Principles the Intellectual Property: Principles Governing Jurisdiction, Choice of Law, and Judgments in Transnational Disputes(hereinafter ‘ALI Principles’) drafted by the American Law Institute on May 14th, 2007, the Principles for Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property drafted by the European Max Planx Group on December 1st, 2011(hereinafter ‘CLIP Principles’), the Principles of Private International Law on Intellectual Property Rights finalized jointly by private international law scholars in Korea and Japan on October 14th, 2010(hereinafter ‘The Joint Japanese-Korean Proposal(Waseda Principles)’ or “Waseda-Korean Principles”) and the Principles on International Intellectual Property Litigation approved by Korea Private International Law Association(‘KOPILA Principles’) on March 26th, 2010. This Article aims at delving into the overview of the KOPILA Principles and its application to legal practices. This Article concludes that the KOPILA Principles can be applied to legal practices related to IP contracts and negotiation for bilateral IP-related treaty between two countries, and play a key role as Asian model law, legislative materials, basic materials for creating case law, and international norms.-
dc.title국제지적재산소송원칙의 개요와 활용방안에 대한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on Overview of the Principles on International Intellectual Property Litigation and Their Application to Legal Practices-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation지식재산연구, v.9, no.1, pp 119 - 156-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor외국판결의 승인 및 집행-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorPrinciples on International Intellectual Property Litigation-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorinternational jurisdiction-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorchoice of law-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments-
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