College of Art and Technology예술공학대학 128
College of Arts예술대학 1,674
College of Biotechnology & Natural Resource생명공학대학 1,718
College of Business & Economics경영경제대학 6,367
College of Education사범대학 2,183
College of Engineering공과대학 7,090
College of Humanities인문대학 2,109
College of ICT Engineering창의ICT공과대학 5,780
College of Medicine의과대학 9,957
College of Natural Sciences자연과학대학 6,496
College of Pharmacy약학대학 2,365
College of Social Sciences사회과학대학 5,852
College of Software소프트웨어대학 2,297
College of Sport Science체육대학 632
Da Vinci College of General Education다빈치교양대학 970
Graduate School대학원 2,553
Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Sciences, Multimedia and Film첨단영상대학원 1,465
Graduate School of Arts예술대학원 188
Graduate School of Construction Engineering건설대학원 39
Graduate School of Education교육대학원 55
Graduate School of International Studies국제대학원 150
Law School법학전문대학원 1,239
Red Cross College of Nursing적십자간호대학 2,316
The Office of Research Affairs연구처 497
ETC기타 9,470