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한국의 정부주도형 교육체제의 비판과 새로운 지향점에 관한 철학적 논의Critique of the Government-Initiated Educational System of Korea and Philosophical Discussions of its Future Orientations

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government-initiated educational system; market model; business model; decentralization; local autonomy in education; equity; professionalism; 정부주도형 교육체제; 시장 모형; 기업 모형; 분권; 이양; 자율; 형평성; 교육의 자율; 형평성; 전문성
한국교육, v.40, no.4, pp 91 - 120
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본 연구에서는 흔히 ‘중앙집권적 권위주의적 관료주의’나 ‘관료주의적 타율’ 등으로 지칭되는 현상, 즉 중앙정부나 지방정부가 교육에 관한 제반 사안들을 관장하는 체제를 ‘정부주도형 교육체제’로 규정하고, 이러한 교육체제의 문제점과 공적을 성찰해 보고, 정부주도형 교육체제와 관련된 주요 쟁점들에 대한 철학적 논의를 통해 향후 한국의 교육행정체제의 방향을 모색해 보고자 한다. 본 연구의 내용은 다음과 같이 구성된다. 우선, 한국의 정부주도형 교육행정체제의 역사적 배경을 살펴본다. 특히 이 부분에서는 정부주도형 교육이 동양적인 전통이라는 점을 서양 교육사와의 비교를 통해 부각시킨다. 다음으로, 정부주도형 교육체제의 실태를 분석하는데, 여기서는 현재 중앙의 교육부와 교육지방자치단체가 관장하고 있는 업무를 고찰함과 동시에, 정부주도형 교육체제의 공적과 문제점에 대해 논의한다. 다음 부분에서는, 시장 모형, 기업식 모형, 분권화 모형 등의 기존의 대안들을 비판적으로 분석한다. 끝으로, 철학적 논의를 통해 정부개입이 허용될 수 있는 조건을 제시하고 교육의 자율성을 정당화함으로써 새로운 교육체제의 지향점을 제시한다.
I have two purposes in this paper. First, I want to present a critical review of the government-initiated education system in South Korea, which is otherwise called ‘authoritarian bureaucracy’ or ‘bureaucratic heteronomy,’ in terms of both its contributions and problems. Second, I intend to propose a future orientation for the Korean educational system through its philosophical discussions. The paper comprises four main parts. The first part deals with the historical background of the government-initiated educational system of Korea in comparison with the educational systems of the West. The second part is an analysis of the current education system; the focus lies upon the power and roles of both the central and local governments in Korea, and also upon the achievements and limitations of the current system. The third part is a critical review of the three alternatives suggested earlier: the market model, the business model, and the decentralization model. In the last part, I endeavor to search for a new orientation for the Korean educational system by offering some conditions of government intervention as well as justifying the autonomy in education through its philosophical analysis. I have two purposes in this paper. First, I want to present a critical review of the government-initiated education system in South Korea, which is otherwise called ‘authoritarian bureaucracy’ or ‘bureaucratic heteronomy,’ in terms of both its contributions and problems. Second, I intend to propose a future orientation for the Korean educational system through its philosophical discussions. The paper comprises four main parts. The first part deals with the historical background of the government-initiated educational system of Korea in comparison with the educational systems of the West. The second part is an analysis of the current education system; the focus lies upon the power and roles of both the central and local governments in Korea, and also upon the achievements and limitations of the current system. The third part is a critical review of the three alternatives suggested earlier: the market model, the business model, and the decentralization model. In the last part, I endeavor to search for a new orientation for the Korean educational system by offering some conditions of government intervention as well as justifying the autonomy in education through its philosophical analysis.
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