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靑年 批評家 김현과 超現實主義

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dc.description.abstract靑年期 批評家 김현의 ‘새로운 문학’에 대한 열망과 추구는 超現實主義에 대한 一連의 탐구 과정에 대응하고 있다. 「앙드레 브르통이 서정주에게 보내는 편지」에서 靑年 김현은 처음으로, 앙드레 브르통의 超現實主義를 새로운 文學的 理念型으로 提示하고 있으며, 同人誌 <散文時代>의 創刊辭 「선언」을 통해 反逆과 顚覆의 정신에 근거한 새로운 문학 창조 작업을 자기 세대의 문학적 과제로 提起했다. 청년 김현의 超現實主義에 대한 지속적 탐구는 小說 創作의 길로 그를 이끌기도 했는데 「人間序說」과 「잃어버린 處容의 노래」라는 두 편의 短篇小說은 自動記述法으로 대변되는 超現實主義의 창작 기법을 實驗的으로 借用한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이후, 학부 졸업논문 「초현실주의 연구」에서 靑年 김현은 想像力의 自由와 慾望의 解放을 이념으로 삼고 있는 超現實主義 文學理論을 再正立함으로써 훗날 김현 固有의 文學觀을 構築하게 되는 文學的 知識 體系의 중요한 土臺를 마련하게 된다.-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis is to clarify the relationship between Kim Hyeon, the young critic, and the literary ideology named ‘surrealism.' Critic Kim Hyeon’s younger days range from the time at which he began to write “Narcissus Poetics”(March1962), his debut criticism, to the time at which Existence and Language(July1964), his first essays in criticism, was published. Young critic Kim Hyeon refused the old literature of the older generation and aspired for his own new literature. Young critic Kim Hyeon's such aspiration led him to a series of intellectual exploration process with focus on French modern literature and philosophy. Young critic Kim Hyeon's aspiration for new literature was repre- sented by the publication(June 1962) of the essay titled “A Letter Sent by Andre Breton to Seo Jeong-ju” and the first publication of ProseTimes(散文時代, June 1962). These two events that took place at the same time clearly show the process in which young Kim Hyeon accepted surrealism literary theory. “A Letter Sent by Andre Breton to Seo Jeong-ju” contains strong critical consciousness about literary persons and literature of the older generation. In this essay, young Kim Hyeon establishes Andre Breton’s surrealism as new literary ideology to replace old literature and literary persons of the older generation. The acceptance of surrealism by young Kim Hyeon can be recognized in “Declaration” as the preface of the first issue of ProseTimes. In this, Kim Hyeon presents the new literature creation work based on the spirit of rebellion and overturn as the literary task of his generation. Surrealism that captivated young Kim Hyeon also led him to the way of writing novels. The two short stories, “Human Introduction” and “Cheoyong’s Song Lost” included in the first issue of ProseTimes appear as experimentally borrowing the writing technique of surrealism represented as ‘automatism.' These two stories are full of severed time and space consciousness and discontinuous memories, and a series of shifting images. Kim Hyeon’s under graduate studies graduation thesis, “A Study on Surrealism”(1964), means the conclusion of the series of process in which he was establishing his identity as a critic. Through this thesis, he suc- cinctly reestablishes the literary theory of surrealism in which he makes the freedom of imagination and the liberation of desire his ideology. This forms later the basis of critic Kim Hyeon’s own view of literature based on the factors of the freedom of imagination and the individual and language.-
dc.title靑年 批評家 김현과 超現實主義-
dc.title.alternativeYoung Critic Kim Hyeon and Surrealism-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation어문연구(語文硏究), v.40, no.4, pp 349 - 373-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor4.19(April 19th) generation-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorAndre Breton-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorinner monologue-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorfree association-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor4.19(April 19th) generation-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorAndre Breton-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorinner monologue-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorfree association-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor앙드레 브르통-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor內的 獨白-
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