Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Journal Title

  • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


  • E 1096-9837 | P 0197-9337 | 0197-9337 | 1096-9837


  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Earth Surface Processes and Landforms is an interdisciplinary international journal concerned with: /// the interactions between surface processes and landformsand landscapes; /// that lead to physical, chemical and biological changes; andwhich in turn create; /// current landscapes and the geological record of pastlandscapes. Its focus is core to both physical geographical and geological communities, and also the wider geosciences We publish manuscripts that address the full range of the discipline of geomorphology including the following specific areas: /// The geological records of Earth surface processes inrelation to environmental change, including the interpretationand use such records to reconstruct landforms, landscapes andlandscape evolution /// The application of quantitative retrodictive and predictivemodels to support such interpretations /// The impacts of past, current and future environmentalchange upon Earth surface processes, and the influences of coredrivers such as climate, tectonics, seismic and volcanicactivity, vegetation and ecology, ice sheets and glaciers; andoceans and sea level /// Weathering and the fluxes of material, both solid and insolution, and their contribution to landscape development andlandform evolution /// The full range of environments associated with the Earth,including glacial, paraglacial, periglacial; hillslopes; soils;Critical Zones; fluvial; karst; aeolian; estuarine andcoastal; /// Planetary geomorphology and the interpretation of planetaryprocesses and landforms in the light of our understanding ofEarth surface processes and landforms and the emergingknowledge of the planets themselves /// The relationship between Earth surface processes andmanagement /// State of the art developments in techniques that enable newgeomorphological questions to be asked, including remotesensing (airborne and ground-based) GIS, mathematical modellingand analysis, dating /// Geomorphological theory Earth Surface Processes and Landforms does not publish case studies of particular landforms or landscapes unless they have wider systematic relevance.

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