Spicatoside A derived from Liriope platyphylla root ethanol extract inhibits hepatitis E virus genotype 3 replication in vitro
- Authors
- Park, Gayoung; Parveen, Amna; Kim, Jung-Eun; Cho, Kyo Hee; Kim, Sun Yeou; Park, Bang Ju; Song, Yoon-Jae
- Issue Date
- 13-Mar-2019
- Publisher
- Citation
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 9
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/gachon/handle/2020.sw.gachon/1725
- 10.1038/s41598-019-39488-5
- 2045-2322
- Abstract
- Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of hepatitis E in humans worldwide. Although hepatitis E is self-limiting without chronic infection development, HEV infection often leads to severe liver diseases causing high mortality in pregnant women in addition to chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in immunosuppressed patients. In this study, we investigated the effect of a Liriope platyphylla ethanol extract (LPE) on HEV replication. Interestingly, LPE suppressed replication of the genotype 3 HEV replicon. Sequential solvent fractionation revealed that the ethyl acetate (EA) fraction of LPE exerts the most potent inhibitory effects. With the aid of activity-guided fractionation and multi-step column chromatography, spicatoside A was subsequently isolated in the EA fraction of LPE and specifically shown to exert inhibitory effects on replication of the genotype 3 HEV replicon. In addition, spicatoside A interfered with replication of the HEV genotype 3 strain 47832c and expression of HEV ORF2 capsid proteins. Our findings clearly support the potential utility of spicatoside A as an effective anti-HEV agent.
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