Exercise-induced beige adipogenesis of iWAT in Cidea reporter mice
- Authors
- Kim, Jin Kyung; Go, Hye Sun; Kim, Sol Pin; Kim, Il Yong; Lee, Yun Hee; Oh, Seung Hyun; Lee, Ho; Seong, Je Kyung
- Issue Date
- Apr-2022
- Publisher
- 생화학분자생물학회
- Keywords
- Beige adipogenesis; Cidea reporter mice; Exercise; Exerciseinduced browning; Genetically-engineered mouse
- Citation
- BMB Reports, v.55, no.4, pp 187 - 191
- Pages
- 5
- Journal Title
- BMB Reports
- Volume
- 55
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 187
- End Page
- 191
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/gachon/handle/2020.sw.gachon/84471
- 10.5483/BMBRep.2022.55.4.134
- 1976-6696
- Abstract
- Obesity is caused by an imbalance between energy intake andenergy expenditure. Exercise is attracting attention as one ofthe ways to treat obesity. Exercise induces ‘beige adipogenesis’in white adipose tissue, increasing total energy expenditure viaenergy dissipation in the form of heat. Also, beige adipogenesiscan be induced by treatment with a beta-adrenergic receptoragonist. We developed a Cidea-dual reporter mouse (Cidea-P2ALuc2-T2A-tdTomato, Luciferase/tdTomato) model to trace andmeasure beige adipogenesis in vivo. As a result, both exerciseand injection of beta-adrenergic receptor agonist induced beigeadipogenesis and was detected through fluorescence and luminescence.
We confirmed that exercise and beta-adrenergic receptoragonist induce beige adipogenesis in Cidea-dual reporter mouse,which will be widely used for detecting beige adipogenesis invivo.
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