
Journal Title

  • Kybernetes


  • E 1758-7883 | P 0368-492X | 0368-492X | 1758-7883


  • Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • Emerald

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Kybernetes is scientifically supported by several international scientific societies devoted to the study and development of Systems Thinking such as: the American Society for Cybernetics, the Business Systems Laboratory, the Cybernetics society, the UK Systems Society and the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics. The journal is an important forum for the exchange of knowledge and information among all those who are interested in cybernetics and systems thinking. It is devoted to improvement in the understanding of human, social, organizational, technological and sustainable aspects of society and their interdependencies. It encourages consideration of a range of theories, methodologies and approaches, and their transdisciplinary links. The spirit of the journal comes from Norbert Wiener's understanding of cybernetics as The Human Use of Human Beings. Hence, Kybernetes strives for examination and analysis, based on a systemic frame of reference, of burning issues of ecosystems, society, organizations, businesses and human behavior. The journal addresses current areas of concern and debate whilst promoting future perspectives and developments. The complex and challenging nature of the systems under study is reflected in the published articles. These may involve not only theoretical and methodologically oriented studies, but also in-depth discussions of applications, implications and implementations. Within its transdisciplinary framework of Cybernetics and Systems Thinking, the journal welcomes topics from all domains of human, social, and ecological sciences, including contributing to themes of sustainability, viability, and the impact of technology on human beings and society. To ensure relevance, academic rigor and integrity, all submitted manuscripts will be subject to an initial evaluation by the Editors and, if found suitable for further consideration, to a double-blind peer-review by independent anonymous expert reviewers.

Article List

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