장기요양시설 및 요양병원 입소 치매대상자의 억제대 적용 관련 요인open accessFactors related to Use of Physical Restraints for Older Adults with Dementia in Long-term Care Settings
- Other Titles
- Factors related to Use of Physical Restraints for Older Adults with Dementia in Long-term Care Settings
- Authors
- 이해정; 박명화; 이성화; 이미현; 고영혜; 김춘길; 김정선; 김경숙; 이영휘; 임영미; 송준아; 박영선; 윤종철; 김기웅; 홍귀령
- Issue Date
- Aug-2019
- Publisher
- 한국노인간호학회
- Keywords
- 신체 억제대; 치매; 노인; 장기요양; Physical restraint; Dementia; Aged; Long-term care
- Citation
- 노인간호학회지, v.21, no.2, pp.125 - 134
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 노인간호학회지
- Volume
- 21
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 125
- End Page
- 134
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/hanyang/handle/2021.sw.hanyang/147294
- 10.17079/jkgn.2019.21.2.125
- 2384-1877
- Abstract
- Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors related to use of restraints for older adults with dementia in long-term care settings. Methods: This study analyzed secondary data from the Nationwide Survey on Dementia Care in Korea (NaSDeCK). Demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, and functional characteristics were analyzed. Data were analyzed with x2 test, t-test, ANOVA, and logistic regression analysis. Results: Among participants, 8.2% experienced use of restraints. ‘Strap’ (78.3%) was the most commonly used restraint and ‘Behavioral problem’ (51.3%) was a major reason for the restraint. Persons who have low levels of daily activity and cognition deficits, higher levels of dependence, histories of falls within the past 3 months, and living in long-term hospitals have greater probability of restraint experience. Conclusion: Developing interventions for older adults who have a high risk of being restrained is essential to minimize unnecessary restraint use among older adults with dementia in long-term care settings. Further study exploring the interacting roles of organizational and staff factors related to use of physical restraints would provide more comprehensive perspectives in understanding this phenomenon.
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