스펙트럼 특성행렬을 이용한 효율적인 반사 스펙트럼 복원 방법Efficient Method for Recovering Spectral Reflectance Using Spectrum Characteristic Matrix
- Other Titles
- Efficient Method for Recovering Spectral Reflectance Using Spectrum Characteristic Matrix
- Authors
- 심규동; 박종일
- Issue Date
- Dec-2015
- Publisher
- 한국멀티미디어학회
- Keywords
- Multispectral Imaging; Spectral Reflectance Estimation; Color Correction
- Citation
- 멀티미디어학회논문지, v.18, no.12, pp.1439 - 1444
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 멀티미디어학회논문지
- Volume
- 18
- Number
- 12
- Start Page
- 1439
- End Page
- 1444
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/hanyang/handle/2021.sw.hanyang/155626
- 10.9717/kmms.2015.18.12.1439
- 1229-7771
- Abstract
- Measuring spectral reflectance can be regarded as obtaining inherent color parameters, and spectral reflectance has been used in image processing. Model-based spectrum recovering, one of the method for obtaining spectral reflectance, uses ordinary camera with multiple illuminations. Conventional model-based methods allow to recover spectral reflectance efficiently by using only a few parameters, however it requires some parameters such as power spectrum of illuminations and spectrum sensitivity of camera. In this paper, we propose an enhanced model-based spectrum recovering method without pre-measured parameters: power spectrum of illuminations and spectrum sensitivity of camera. Instead of measuring each parameters, spectral reflectance can be efficiently recovered by estimating and using the spectrum characteristic matrix which contains spectrum parameters: basis function, power spectrum of illumination, and spectrum sensitivity of camera. The spectrum characteristic matrix can be easily estimated using captured images from scenes with color checker under multiple illuminations. Additionally, we suggest fast recovering method preserving positive constraint of spectrum by nonnegative basis function of spectral reflectance. Results of our method showed accurately reconstructed spectral reflectance and fast constrained estimation with unmeasured camera and illumination. As our method could be conducted conveniently, measuring spectral reflectance is expected to be widely used.
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