프랑스혁명기와 21세기 한국 사회, 두 현실의 맥락에서 「레미제라블」의 화쟁기호학적 읽기A Hwajaeng-semiotic Readings of Les Misérables in Two Contexts, the French Revolution and Korea in the 21st Century
- Other Titles
- A Hwajaeng-semiotic Readings of Les Misérables in Two Contexts, the French Revolution and Korea in the 21st Century
- Authors
- 이도흠
- Issue Date
- Sep-2013
- Publisher
- 문학과영상학회
- Keywords
- Les Misérables; Hwajaeng-semiotic; Neo-liberalism; discursive struggle; Jean Valjean; 레미제라블; 화쟁기호학; 신자유주의; 담론투쟁; 장발장
- Citation
- 문학과 영상, v.14, no.3, pp.529 - 557
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 문학과 영상
- Volume
- 14
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 529
- End Page
- 557
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/hanyang/handle/2021.sw.hanyang/161942
- 1229-9847
- Abstract
- Korean readers in the context of the 21st century interpret the film text Les Misérables in terms of these categories: the epic of transformation, of love, of revolution.
Readers who pursue ontologic values or Christianity and support conservative party interpret this work as the epic of transformation. They pay particular attention to Valjean’s transformation from a hate-filled and hardened criminal into a well-respected philanthropist, and it is this theme—that man is able to improve himself by love, forgiveness, and tolerance—which takes on an supreme importance.
The readers who seek expressional values and dream of romantic love understand this work as the epic of love. They take notice of love between Valjean, Cosette, and Marius regardless of, or despite various difficulties. Love and compassion are passed on from one person to another. For these readers, the film is about love, that love begets love, and revolution/salvation is not possible without love.
Both subalterns with class-consciousness and intelligentsia with social consciousness pursue socio-historical values. They interpret this work in terms of the epic of revolution. They decode this work from a standpoint of realism. What is of central importance in this reading is that we start to move toward a new world, toward a society which sublates contradictions of neo-liberal socio- economic system with love and compassion.
In today’s Korea, discursive struggles are in progress. Some make an assertion that neo-liberalist policies bring about growth and development. For others, however, a genuine growth and welfare are possible only through the deconstruction of neo-liberalist system. The reading of the film as the epic of revolution is particularly helpful to the latter in the field of the struggle for hegemony.
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