Sex Ratio and Sex Reversal in Two-year-old Class of Oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Bivalvia: Ostreidae)
- Authors
- 박정준; 이정식; 김혜진; 강성완; 안철민; 이성호; 계명찬
- Issue Date
- Nov-2012
- Publisher
- 한국발생생물학회
- Keywords
- Crassostrea gigas; Two-year-old class; Sex reversal; Rhythmical hermaphroditism
- Citation
- 발생과 생식, v.16, no.4, pp.385 - 388
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 발생과 생식
- Volume
- 16
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 385
- End Page
- 388
- 2465-9525
- Abstract
- The sex ratio (F:M) in the same population of oyster, Crassostrea gigas at the commencement of the study (2007) was 1:1.0, but changed to 1:2.8 by the end of the study (2008). The sex reversal rate in two-year-old oysters was 40.2%. Specifically, female to male sex reversal rate was 66.1%, which is higher than the male to female sex reversal rate of 21.1%. The sex reversal pattern of C. gigas appears to go from male ⇒ female ⇒ male, and as such is determined to be rhythmical hermaphroditism.
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