Axioms open-access icon

Journal Title

  • Axioms


  • 2075-1680



Listed on(Coverage)


OA Info.

OAopen-access icon

based on the information

  • 2017;2018;2019;2020;2021;
Keywordsmathematical logic
Review ProcessBlind peer review
Journal info. pages
LicencesCC BY
DOAJ Coverage
  • Added on Date : 2012-11-29T09:27:42Z
Subject(s)Science: Mathematics


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Aims Axioms (ISSN 2075-1680) is an international, open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies related to axioms. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal: /// manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed /// electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material /// we also accept manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public funds Subject Areas /// Axiomatic theories in physics and in mathematics (for example, axiomatic theory of thermodynamics, and also either the axiomatic classical set theory or the axiomatic fuzzy set theory) /// Axiomatization, axiomatic methods, theorems, mathematical proofs /// Algebraic structures, field theory, group theory, topology, vector spaces /// Mathematical analysis /// Mathematical physics /// Mathematical logic, and non-classical logics, such as fuzzy logic, modal logic, non-monotonic logic. etc. /// Classical and fuzzy set theories /// Number theory /// Systems theory /// Classical measures, fuzzy measures, representation theory, and probability theory /// Graph theory /// Information theory /// Entropy /// Symmetry /// Differential equations and dynamical systems /// Relativity and quantum theories /// Mathematical chemistry /// Automata theory /// Mathematical problems of artificial intelligence /// Complex networks from a mathematical viewpoint /// Reasoning under uncertainty /// Interdisciplinary applications of mathematical theory

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