Automated Synapse Detection Method for Cerebellar Connectomicsopen access
- Authors
- Park Changjoo; Gim Ja won; Lee Sungjin; Lee Kea Joo; Kim Jinseop S.
- Issue Date
- Mar-2022
- Publisher
- Frontiers Media S.A.
- Keywords
- connectomics; cerebellum; synapse; electron microscopy; image analysis; machine learning; computer algorithm
- Citation
- Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, v.16
- Journal Title
- Frontiers in Neuroanatomy
- Volume
- 16
- 10.3389/fnana.2022.760279
- 1662-5129
- Abstract
- The connectomic analyses of large-scale volumetric electron microscope (EM) images enable the discovery of hidden neural connectivity. While the technologies for neuronal reconstruction of EM images are under rapid progress, the technologies for synapse detection are lagging behind. Here, we propose a method that automatically detects the synapses in the 3D EM images, specifically for the mouse cerebellar molecular layer (CML). The method aims to accurately detect the synapses between the reconstructed neuronal fragments whose types can be identified. It extracts the contacts between the reconstructed neuronal fragments and classifies them as synaptic or non-synaptic with the help of type information and two deep learning artificial intelligences (AIs). The method can also assign the pre- and postsynaptic sides of a synapse and determine excitatory and inhibitory synapse types. The accuracy of this method is estimated to be 0.955 in F1-score for a test volume of CML containing 508 synapses. To demonstrate the usability, we measured the size and number of the synapses in the volume and investigated the subcellular connectivity between the CML neuronal fragments. The basic idea of the method to exploit tissue-specific properties can be extended to other brain regions.
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