한국형 병원전 응급환자 분류도구 개발 배경과 핵심 내용Pre-hospital Korean Triage and Acuity Scale: the development background and core contents
- Other Titles
- Pre-hospital Korean Triage and Acuity Scale: the development background and core contents
- Authors
- 이민희; 고은실; 강창신; 박준범; 김용오; 위정희; 최한주
- Issue Date
- Feb-2024
- Publisher
- 대한응급의학회
- Keywords
- Emergency medical services; Triage; Safety
- Citation
- 대한응급의학회지, v.35, no.1, pp 1 - 5
- Pages
- 5
- Journal Title
- 대한응급의학회지
- Volume
- 35
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 1
- End Page
- 5
- 1226-4334
- Abstract
- The Korean Triage and Acuity Scale (KTAS) Committee under the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine developed a Korean pre-hospital emergency patient classification tool (Pre-hospital Korean Triage and Acuity Scale [Pre-KTAS]) under contract from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea. The classification tool was developed separately for adults and children. The patient’s emergency level is classified into five distinct levels and is the same as the KTAS classification system, which is a hospital-level emergency patient classification tool.
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Collections - College of Medicine > Department of Emergency Medicine > 1. Journal Articles
- College of Medicine > Department of Radiology > 1. Journal Articles

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