Baird College of General Education베어드교양대학 625
College of Business Administration경영대학 2,628
College of Economics and International Commerce경제통상대학 770
College of Engineering공과대학 7,360
College of Humanities인문대학 2,917
College of Information TechnologyIT대학 11,236
College of Natural Sciences자연과학대학 2,949
College of Social Sciences사회과학대학 3,045
Graduate School of Business Administration경영대학원 19
Graduate School of Christian Studies기독교학대학원 6
Graduate School of Education교육대학원 195
Graduate School of Information Sciences정보과학대학원 26
Graduate School of Small Business중소기업대학원 0
Graduate School of Social Welfare사회복지대학원 7
Graduate School of Software소프트웨어특성화대학원 511
ETC기타 2,894