조명별 카메라 프로파일을 이용한 촬영 영상의 색 재현에 관한 연구A Study on Color Matching for two or more light sources with Camera profiles
- Authors
- 조두희; Maik, V.; 백준기; 하동환
- Issue Date
- Feb-2008
- Publisher
- 한국사진학회
- Keywords
- Digital Photography; Color Matching; Color Management System; ICC Profile; camera; profile
- Citation
- AURA, v.18, no.18, pp 42 - 49
- Pages
- 8
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 18
- Number
- 18
- Start Page
- 42
- End Page
- 49
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/cau/handle/2019.sw.cau/30737
- 1228-503X
- Abstract
- This study describes the development process of a new method fo r color management usinglor management system, ithas the problem of color construct. Because Standard color target gives information for2Dimensional Object. For example, it cannot remake the right co lor when we use different lightsources with 3Dimensional Object. Because each reflect angle is different. This study is amethod using two or more profiles for this problem. It makes tw o or more input profiles asmany as a number of light sources for one scene. And each profi le is assigned to the samepicture. Re-made pictures have the right color to each differen t part. It compares eachpictures' same address pixels and combine the right pixel consi dering the each pixel's delta Evalue near the white point in color space.
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Collections - Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Sciences, Multimedia and Film > Department of Imaging Science and Arts > 1. Journal Articles
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