친환경농산물 소비행태 조사 -대형할인마트 고객을 중심으로-A Survey of Consumer’s Consumption Characteristics of Environmental-Friendly Agricultural Products (EFAP) -Focused on Consumers in Discount Stores-
- Authors
- 이유시; 홍미현; 류경; 김애정; 하상도
- Issue Date
- 2009
- Publisher
- 한국식품위생안전성학회
- Keywords
- Environmental-friendly agricultural products (EFAP); Consumer; Purchasing pattern; Discount stores; Generalagricultural products
- Citation
- 한국식품위생안전성학회지, v.24, no.2, pp 111 - 123
- Pages
- 13
- Journal Title
- 한국식품위생안전성학회지
- Volume
- 24
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 111
- End Page
- 123
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/cau/handle/2019.sw.cau/36296
- 1229-1153
- Abstract
- We investigated the consumption inclinations of consumers for environmentally-friendly agricultural
products (EFAP) for better production and distribution of EFAP. Consumer inclinations in large supermarkets
from April 7th to 30th, 2008 were surveyed. Data were analyzed using the SPSSWIN 12.0 program. Results showed
that 90.4% of consumers recognized EFAP and 76.4% of those who recognized the products had actually bought the
products. Members of the "have purchased group" bought EFAP once a week because they believed these products
were safe from hazards, such as pesticide. The amount spent on EFAP was less than 20% of the total food budget and
the major consumed items were green vegetables and fruits. The sale location was mainly large supermarkets and agricultural
cooperation outlets. Although many people were satisfied with EFAP from the viewpoint of nutritional and
sensory qualities and safety compared with general agricultural products, they were notsatisfied with the price. Many
consumers trusted that EFAP were safe and nutritional. Members of the "not purchased group" also trusted the nutritional
and sensory qualities of EFAP and recognized the safety issue, but they were not satisfied with the price, compared
with general agricultural products. Consequently, to succeed in the market, EFAP should maintain the
confidence of the consumer while decreasing in price.
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