The coordinated action of RNase III and RNase G controls enolase expression in response to oxygen availability in Escherichia coliopen access
- Authors
- Lee, Minho; Joo, Minju; Sim, Minji; Sim, Se-Hoon; Kim, Hyun-Lee; Lee, Jaejin; Ryu, Minkyung; Yeom, Ji-Hyun; Hahn, Yoonsoo; Ha, Nam-Chul; Cho, Jang-Cheon; Lee, Kangseok
- Issue Date
- Nov-2019
- Publisher
- Citation
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 9
- Number
- 1
- 10.1038/s41598-019-53883-y
- 2045-2322
- Abstract
- Rapid modulation of RNA function by endoribonucleases during physiological responses to environmental changes is known to be an effective bacterial biochemical adaptation. We report a molecular mechanism underlying the regulation of enolase (eno) expression by two endoribonucleases, RNase G and RNase III, the expression levels of which are modulated by oxygen availability in Escherichia coli. Analyses of transcriptional eno-cat fusion constructs strongly suggested the existence of cis-acting elements in the eno 5' untranslated region that respond to RNase III and RNase G cellular concentrations. Primer extension and S1 nuclease mapping analyses of eno mRNA in vivo identified three eno mRNA transcripts that are generated in a manner dependent on RNase III expression, one of which was found to accumulate in rng-deleted cells. Moreover, our data suggested that RNase III-mediated cleavage of primary eno mRNA transcripts enhanced Eno protein production, a process that involved putative cis-antisense RNA. We found that decreased RNase G protein abundance coincided with enhanced RNase III expression in E. coli grown anaerobically, leading to enhanced eno expression. Thereby, this posttranscriptional up-regulation of eno expression helps E. coli cells adjust their physiological reactions to oxygen-deficient metabolic modes. Our results revealed a molecular network of coordinated endoribonuclease activity that post-transcriptionally modulates the expression of Eno, a key enzyme in glycolysis.
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