Identification of novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors designed by pharmacophore-based virtual screening, molecular docking and bioassay
- Authors
- Jang, Cheongyun; Yadav, Dharmendra K.; Subedi, Lalita; Venkatesan, Ramu; Venkanna, Arramshetti; Afzal, Sualiha; Lee, Eunhee; Yoo, Jaewook; Ji, Eunhee; Kim, Sun Yeou; Kim, Mi-hyun
- Issue Date
- 8-Oct-2018
- Publisher
- Citation
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 8
- 10.1038/s41598-018-33354-6
- 2045-2322
- Abstract
- In this study, pharmacophore based 3D QSAR models for human acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors were generated, with good significance, statistical values (r(training)(2) = 0.73) and predictability (q(training)(2) = 0.67). It was further validated by three methods (Fischer's test, decoy set and Guner-Henry scoring method) to show that the models can be used to predict the biological activities of compounds without costly and time-consuming synthesis. The criteria for virtual screening were also validated by testing the selective AChE inhibitors. Virtual screening experiments and subsequent in vitro evaluation of promising hits revealed a novel and selective AChE inhibitor. Thus, the findings reported herein may provide a new strategy for the discovery of selective AChE inhibitors. The IC50 value of compounds 5c and 6a presented selective inhibition of AChE without inhibiting butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) at uM level. Molecular docking studies were performed to explain the potent AChE inhibition of the target compounds studies to explain high affinity.
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