한국 소설에 나타난 실존 배우의 형상화에 대한 고찰: 「배삼룡 독트린」, 「변희봉」, 「나의 클린트 이스트우드」를 중심으로A Study on the Embodiment of a Real Actor in Korean Novels: Focusing on Bae Sam-Ryong Doctrine, Byun Hee-bong and My Clint Eastwood
- Other Titles
- A Study on the Embodiment of a Real Actor in Korean Novels: Focusing on Bae Sam-Ryong Doctrine, Byun Hee-bong and My Clint Eastwood
- Authors
- 신성환
- Issue Date
- Sep-2014
- Publisher
- 문학과영상학회
- Keywords
- 실존 배우; 인물 형상화; 배삼룡; 변희봉; 클린트 이스트우드; real actor; embodiment; Bae Sam-Ryong; Byun Hee-bong; Clint Eastwood
- Citation
- 문학과 영상, v.15, no.4, pp.853 - 886
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 문학과 영상
- Volume
- 15
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 853
- End Page
- 886
- 1229-9847
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to explain the usage and meaning of the embodiment of a real actor as a motif or a subject matter in a Korean novels. This study is focused on Bae Sam-Ryong Doctrine, Byun Hee-bong and My Clint Eastwood. These actors have become an icon rather than an actual person. Bae Sam-Ryong and Byun Hee-bong have become a icon of powerless commoner, whereas Clint Eastwood have become a icon of macho male. In these works, real actors play a role of a mediation for communication and a new method of search for truth & fiction between characters in the novels. Also, these works show us the literary self-consciousness of cinematic reality recently, accept and reconstruct meaning of the icons. Ultimately the embodiment of a real actor excites reader's curiosity and arouses sympathy. The use of film and real actor in a recent novel indicates that writers are more and more interested in visual images and they are aware of its new aesthetic significance. One of the distinctive features in these novels is that the cinematic reality like real actors frequently appear as a motif or an material. Through these activities, first, the similarity and differences of how to choose and present actors between novel and film are examined and the implied purposes of artists are derived. Second, the characters of the protagonists are grasped and the stereotype is dealt with. The understanding of the works is deepened by the knowledge of communicational, generic, and social-cultural contexts of the texts of novel and film.
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