College of Humanities and Social Sciences (인문사회과학대학)1,444


Department of Korean Language and Literature인문사회과학대학_국어국문학과 47

Department of English Language and Literature인문사회과학대학_영어영문학과 72

Department of Chinese Language and Literature인문사회과학대학_중어중문학과 114

Department of International Cultural Studies인문사회과학대학_국제문화학과 39

Department of Early Childhood Education인문사회과학대학_유아교육과 168

Department of Youth Education and Counseling인문사회과학대학_청소년교육·상담학과 146

Deparment of Theater and Dance인문사회과학대학_연극무용학과 28

Department of Film and Animation인문사회과학대학_영화애니메이션학과 39

Department of Media Contents인문사회과학대학_미디어콘텐츠학과 34

Department of Law인문사회과학대학_법학과 105

Department of Public Administration인문사회과학대학_행정학과 93

Department of Police Administration인문사회과학대학_경찰행정학과 183

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication인문사회과학대학_신문방송학과 51

Department of Social Welfare인문사회과학대학_사회복지학과 138

Department of Special Education인문사회과학대학_특수교육과 191

Institute of Social Sciences인문사회과학대학_사회과학연구소 1

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