Position calibration of silicon strip detector using quasi-elastic scattering of 16O+197Au
- Authors
- Yan, W.; Hu, H.; Zhang, G.; Lin, C.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, C.; Jia, H.; An, G.; Wu, Z.; Xu, X.; Yang, F.; Liu, Z.; Kubono, S.; Yamaguchi, H.; Hayakawa, S.; Binh, D.N.; Kwon, Y.K.; Iwasa, N.; Mazzocco, M.; Commara La, M.; Romoli, M.; Signorini, C.
- Issue Date
- Aug-2013
- Keywords
- Angular distribution; Quasi-elastic scattering; Silicon strip detector
- Citation
- He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques, v.36, no.8
- Journal Title
- He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques
- Volume
- 36
- Number
- 8
- https://scholarworks.bwise.kr/cau/handle/2019.sw.cau/64909
- 0253-3219
- Abstract
- Background: Elastic scattering is induced by weakly unstable nuclei. Generally, a good angular resolution for angular distribution of elastic scattering is needed. The silicon strip detector is often used for this kind of experiment. Purpose: In order to use silicon strip detector to study the elastic scattering of weakly unbound nuclei, it is important to get the information of its position calibration. It is well known that the elastic scattering of stable nuclei has a good angular distribution and many experimental data have been obtained. Methods: So the scattering of stable nuclei can be used to calibrate the position information of silicon strip detector. In this experiment, the positions of silicon strip detectors are calibrated using 101 MeV and 59 MeV 16O scattering on the 197Au target. Results: The quasi-elastic peaks can be observed in the silicon strip detectors and the counts of quasi-elastic 16O can be obtained. The solid angles of the silicon strip detectors are calibrated by using alpha source which has three alpha energy values. The angular distribution of quasi-elastic scattering of 16O+197Au is obtained at these two energy values. Conclusions: The experimental data of angular distribution are reasonable and fit for the principle of angular distribution of elastic scattering. It is concluded that in the experiment these silicon strip detectors can accurately give the position information and can be used for the elastic scattering experiment.
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